
Welcome and thanks for stopping by Project Hindsight. I am on a mission to collect a tiny fraction of the endless wealth of hard-won wisdom and insight that only comes from experience. I encourage you to share your stories so we may all laugh, cry, celebrate and mourn together and see that we are not alone in this great, treacherous journey . Experience, in hindsight, truly is 20/20.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

In The Beginning...

Once upon a time there was a woman who, despite all of her best efforts, could not catch a break. It seemed like no matter what she did, nothing worked out right. She fully recognized that the problem was her own and that the troubles in her life were the direct result of the decisions she was making, but unfortunately for her, this knowledge came after each bungled experience. This woman, of course, was me.

I understand and agree with the fact that a person learns from their mistakes. I have learned many, many valuable lessons from my mistakes that I would not trade for the world. I have also learned many lessons the hard way and, in hindsight, I would give my eye teeth and more to be able to do things differently. Everyone feels this way at one time or another. Some wise person told me that "you can learn by making mistakes or you can learn by watching others make the mistakes". I think a healthy dose of both is necessary, but I tend to be the person whom the wise people watch for their lessons. Surely I'm not the only one.

I started Project Hindsight because I want to share my experiences and compile those of others. I want to create a collective reference point for others to peruse when they feel like they are the only person in the world going through a particular challenge and for people to come together to celebrate life's victories. Sometimes all we need to hear is, "I know just how you feel" from someone who really does. I also want to create a place where visitors can say, "I screwed up royally. Let me tell you about it so you can, hopefully, avoid my mistake". In a way this blog is a little like AA. I'll go first. Hi. My name is Tiffanie and the most important lessons I learned have been in hindsight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. My name is Kristy and the most important lessons I learned have been in hindsight.
